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Out with the old, in with the new

Updated: Dec 24, 2021

I wanted to start a new website, a new blog, a new name, to captivate this season of change I've been feeling.

After spending 4 years in college and 2 years after studying and working my way to try and land a position working in Social Media for a sports team, I pivoted. Hard.

The job that I thought I always wanted was a job that demanded 24/7 attention. That's right. If you didn't know, people who work in social media marketing in the sports world literally never get to be done working. Trades happen overnight, interviews need to be conducted right away, and fans need to be mitigated and monitored to assure them that things are always alright. It's exhausting. And despite my connections, my experience, and my drive, I never even made a dent in the sports world.

So to pivot to a world of holistic health may seem like it was out of left field but in my mind, it made perfect sense. Not only was the idea of working 24/7 absolutely asinine, in my opinion, but I saw first hand how burnt out, depressed, and SICK people were getting who lived that lifestyle.

I decided I never wanted to be relegated to a life of no sleep, constant travel (not the fun kind, but the long overnight bus ride kind), and take-out food. In fact, I wanted to help those people.

In April 2021, I graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and in September of 2021, I began classes at Maryland University of Integrative Health to get my Masters in Nutrition and Integrative Health.

While I study, I'm working as an online holistic health coach to help people from all different lifestyles with all different health goals to feel good in their healthy bodies. And there are my two main goals as a coach: 1) to help people feel good in their body, and 2) to make sure that body is a healthy one.

While this is just a quick intro, I'm hoping you'll join me on this journey as I begin my blog. My style isn't for everyone. I'm blunt when I need to be but I am also kind and compassionate. I love big and sometimes that doesn't sit well with people. But if you're looking for health tips and strong opinions, I'm your girl, and I'm glad you've found me.


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